Clara Storti

Clara Storti

Performer and graphic designer

Clara Storti joins the circus at the age of 16 after many years of gymnastics. She attends several workshops in Italy and abroad and soon she specializes in aerials, deepening the rope technique with important artists such as  Leo Hedman, Roman Fedin and Nacho Ricci. Thanks to Elodie Doñaque and Roberto Magro she improves her research on the aerial movement and she develops her own methodology in circus creation, a perfect blend between visual arts and circus techniques. In 2016 she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Brera, Milan, with a project on hybrid methodologies of creation. In the same years she works as a set designer with the director Francesco Micheli and with the studios Lightning and Kinglyface, Map-architettura and Vogue Italia.

Throughout the years she works intensively on the quality of movement, always searching for a synthesis between floorwork, the aerial move and visual arts. In this sense she found significant input in the work of Shai Faran, David Zambrano, Martin Kilvady, Peter Jasko, Idan Sharabi and Erez Zohar

(Gaga technique), Ambra Senatore, Fighting Monkey and Judith Sancez, with whom she collaborated.

Among the fundamental experiences in her career, there is an intensive workshop on the authorship of the actor with Sabilo Civilleri and Manuela Lo Sicco, with whom she later worked as an acrobat and an actress. 

Clara Storti took part in several shows and performances working with famous directors and choreographers, including Dario Fo, Arturo Brachetti, Willi Dorner, Suzan Boogaerdt/Bianca Van der Schoot and Roberto Olivan.

In 2011 she co-founded Quattrox4, a contemporary circus centre in Milan for the creation, training and outreach of the contemporary circus arts. Together with Filippo Malerba she created PIANI IN BILICO (2017), an aerial show built on 7 ropes, and in 2018 she made her debut with DALL’ALTO, a contemporary circus music drama produced by Milano Musica and inspired to Samuel Beckett’s Act Without Words. GRETEL (2020) is her own personal project and her first aerial rope solo.

To learn more…

Aerial rope 100%
Graphic design 84%
Spelling mistakes 78%