Filippo Malerba

Filippo Malerba

Artistic director


Filippo Malerba started circus at the age of 11 and he specialized in aerial rope. As an artist he got selected for an intensive seminar at the Ecole de Cirque of Montreal and in 2010 for the Programm Jugend in Aktion, which brought him on tour around Europe. He has taken part to the shows Solomon, Burn, QuiXote  e Fellini, under the artistic direction of Firenza Guidi. He worked with Civilleri/Lo Sacco, Alexander del Perugia, Suzan Boogaerdt&Bianca Van Der Schoot.

In 2011 he founded Quattrox4, a contemporary circus center based in Milan. Since 2017 he is the curator of FUORI ASSE – circo contemporaneo a Milano, a season of contemporary circus shows organized in cooperation with theatres and cultural hubs in Milan.

In 2016 he got a MA in Modern Philology at the University of Milan. In 2018 he became the executive producer of DALL’ALTO, a co-production between Quattrox4, Milano Musica and Teatro del Buratto.

Throughout the years Filippo has given a strong impulse to the development of contemporary circus in Italy. He wrote a BA dissertation about the role of the direction in contemporary circus and he got a MA degree in theatre history with a focus on the Italian panorama of contemporary circus. Together with Gaia Vimercati, in 2015 he created Censimento Circo Italia, the first project aimed at mapping the circus panorama in Italy.

In 2017 he won a scholarship for the Avignon Festival. In 2020 he was selected for a Masterclass at the Biennale di Venezia in artistic direction with Umberto Angelini, one of the leading directors on the international theatre panorama.

In depth…

Ore passate al telefono 77%
"Se dobbiamo farlo facciamolo" 88%
Manie di controllo ortografico 64%
Piccolo Lord del circo contemporaneo 100%